"New" Haikus (otherLanguages)

Dear friends, all these experiences, these haikus happened in my garden and were written during last summer. Perhaps this email might be... a translation of my soul.
You will find here 12 haikus one for each month of the year, you have to guess which month is each one. You can order them as you like.
1.- Like heartbeats in a glass
     Suddenly illuminated
     The soft whisper of dahlias
2.- Time and time again
      Flying around my feet
      The pirouettes of a butterfly
3.- The sun is drawing at dawn
      The shadow of a walker
      On the low stones
4.- Many starlings follow him
     Beating wings in flight
     Ah, much music in the air!
5.- Spills from the brick wall
     The white jasmine tide
     Ah, the starry night!
6.- On ironed clothes
     The dew settles
      And that lavender scent
7.- The clock gong sounds
      Two birds play in the fig tree
      the field is burning under the sun
8.- Behind the window ajar
     A bird is singing now
     The ravine and the almond trees
9.- The orange tree is b lossoming
      And on a little piece of glass
      The whole sky is reflected
10.- The tiny swallows didn´t come
        A summer without them
        Sounds different
11.- He finds this field
       Increasingly flowers
       But it just ask the poplars whispering!
12.- The irrigation ditch crazed
        Amazed pours its waters
        Floods everything
Dear friends in Belgium, Holland and France, I send you translated haikus by the group of Dr. Joëlle Guatelli Tedeschi and students- translators from Granada University: Chagneau Marina, Couvret-Donadieu Julia, Lacombre Noëlle, Larrañaga Zubieta Nerea, Nikolic Magali, Mengíbar Alberto, Medina Leopoldo, Manzano Begoña, Goudrar Aïcha, Castrillo Alvaro, Sideway Lucas, Perez Aimon, Pasqualini Grace, Healy Zoé, Gandemer William, Burgunder Emmanuelle. 
They can be read in French, Dutch and Flemish.

 1. au va-et-vient des ondes,
    une jade ombre,
    ah, le sillage des algues!

2. autant du silence et de la pivoine
    que de chant des oiseaux
    s´imprègne le marcheur.

3. quel silence,
    celui des feuilles,
    en mouvement!

4. le paysage immobile,
    les derniers merles agités
    dans le brouillard de l´automne

5. mer talisman
    pierre turquoise
    pendu à mon cou

6. alleen op weg
    in een diepe maanloze nacht
    zelfs zonder één ster!

7. stilte
    ik lig in de mist
    de luit weerklinkt

8. ik wandel heel de nacht
    mijn hart is duister
    onder de wassende maan

9. de ster ging heen
    het schreeuwen van spreeuwenjongen
    houdt mij wakker

10. jij ontbladert nu
      kleine lindeboom
      laat je blaren slapen

11. de eerste maan van april
      vang ik in mijn witte hemd
      zij mag niet ontsnappen

12. rose rijst zij op
      omsluierd door de mist
      maan van augustus!

13. maan van indisch geel
      jij maakt de blauwe hemelkoepel

14. groenzwart oog
      spiegel van wateren
      herfstige maan

15. volle maan van augustus
      het blanke kommetje
      vloeit glanzend over

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