Amigos, aquí os envío la información exacta de la exposición que había aparecido en el blog hace algún tiempo, os enviaré invitación ilustrada por correo.DEL MAR DE LA HABANA AL JARDÍN DE GRANADA
Exposición homenaje al insigne Poeta Cubano Jose Lezama Lima en el I Centenario de su nacimiento.
-Pinturas, dibujos, libros de artista, y objetos poéticos-
Granada , 1987-2011
La exposición está dividida en dos salas:
Sala Zaida, Puerta Real
-Concierto de guitarra clásica de Pablo Hecht, obras de Leo Brower a las 20:30.
-Proyección "el jardín de un pintor", Jardín de Yegen, Alpujarra de Granada.
Sala de la Fundación Caja Rural de Granada, Sede Central. Ave. Don Bosco 2.

Pedro Garciarias is going to present a new exhibition at Zaida Gallery and the Caja Rural Foundation Gallery from Oct 6th to Nov 5th. Everybody is welcome to visit the galleries from 7pm-9pm, except Sundays and festivities.
The exhibition pays tribute to the distinguished Cuban poet Jose Lezama Lima. The title of the exhibition "From La Habana sea to the gardens of Granada" will show paintings, drawings, books by the artist and poetic objects. The event is divided in two galleries. Zaida gallery will exhibit 10 medium size paintings "The sea, the pond and the waves" and at Caja Rural Foundation Gallery we will be able to see "the gardens of Granada"(20 large paintings). Pablo Hecht will give a guitar concert (works by Leo Brower) during the opening. After that, a video showing "An artist's garden", the garden in Yegen, Alpujarra, Granada. Yegen is the village where Pedro gets his inspiration from.